In December, 2008, the reassembly moved forward. The phase of painting was vital in the success of the project. After long reflections we decided in family that it would be blue, not in the standard colors but a beautiful metallic, custom-made blue. During the reassembly of the first elements the fact of seeing it so, consolidated me in this choice. How was beautiful this car which had populated my youth dreams... In fact we had to decide from the beginning on the project that we would make it for our pleasure. All the elements were redone, renovated, changed when it was not possible to make otherwise. All the parts were reassembled such as they owed originally. For the color we were at a manufacturer's of automobile paint who lent us color charts. In thousands of colors we found what approached but not THE color. He then suggested us making some tries resting on colors of prestigious machines and THE color finally arrived, in compliance with our expectation. It was necessary to spend a few weeks (month) but it was the one that we had looked for...